Why Knowledge Management Is Critical For Employee Self Service And Self Help

Why Knowledge Management is Critical for Employee Self-Service and Self-Help?

Good Employee self-service and self-help systems are essential for any enterprise or business, especially when they’re integrated with knowledge management systems. They help employees provide superior customer support and simplify various internal processes.

Before the advent of digital technologies, employee self-service systems were largely paper-based. Today’s employee self-service portals are backed by the latest technologies and are more efficient and seamless. They are integrated with Employee Engagement Portals or Human Capital Management Portals.

Despite advanced technologies and seamless integration with employee engagement portals, if managing service requests are turning cumbersome, then there is an important pillar of any employee-self service portals that may be weak or missing- Knowledge management systems.

What is Knowledge Management?

Knowledge management (KM) is the collection of methods relating to creating, sharing, using, and managing the knowledge and information of an organization. In the context of modern digitalized workplaces, knowledge management refers to leveraging various digital products and portals that act as repositories of organized knowledge. These portals also provide easy access to knowledge and help employees use it to achieve various organizational objectives. 

5 Ways Knowledge Management Supports Employee Self-Service and Self-Help

1. Achieving organizational objectives

Knowledge management makes storing and retrieving knowledge easier. The retrieved knowledge can be used in several ways. For example, an HR self-service system when linked to a knowledge management system can answer employee queries and grievances much faster. It can provide links to details procedures, norms, regulations, etc. thus helping employees take appropriate decisions.

2. Customer service experience

Teams that manage customer relationships are usually burdened with work. Many times, the work is not tough, but repetitive. Moreover, the personnel employed should always provide the right information. Knowledge management portals are easily accessible and alleviate the stress of customer service teams. The teams use self-service portals and are directed to the correct information from the repositories.

Employees working in customer relationship teams can use KM portals to access information required to answer customers. It is especially helpful when the information is critical or changing like regulations and business processes.

3. Omnichannel

Don’t waste time inventing the wheel again. Knowledge management systems act as a single trusted source of knowledge repositories. They act as knowledge transfer and training portals. Moreover, they are linked to various other channels and provide the same information when accessed from anywhere and through any channel like chatbots, virtual assistants, or helpdesk portals.

For example, marketing executives need to present the same information in various marketing channels. Though the form of content can be different, the information should remain the same. A presentation on engagement models shouldn’t present models different from the ones posted on social media or the website. By providing a single knowledge repository, employees can check and verify information much more easily.

4. Virtual Assistants

Several tasks have been automated using Virtual Assistants. AI Virtual Employee Assistants retrieve knowledge from KM Portals and present it to employees when asked. They use deep learning and Artificial Intelligence to build on the knowledge and provide a company with important data like most asked questions, commonly searched keywords, webpages with search ratings, etc.

Virtual Assistants are more advanced self-help tools. When they’re linked to KM repositories, they can provide the relevant links for users to access the right information.

5. Creating Positive Work Culture

Knowledge Management Portals help employees in performing their duties with ease and hence they promote work satisfaction. They empower employees with self-help and self-care. They make onboarding, training, and knowledge preservation easier. Hence, they are proven to create a positive work culture in companies and enterprises.

How to Build a Suitable Knowledge Management Framework that Supports Employee self-service Initiatives?

Any organization keen on good knowledge management should start building the system by designing a Knowledge Management Strategy. You may want to collaborate with an expert in building Employee Experience portals to decide on the strategy. Depending on the strategy you may choose from the several options available.

Several vendors in the market provide SaaS-based Knowledge management portals. Some provide customized software products that fit your business needs. Many of them also provide continuing support for the products.

Benefits of Omnichannel Knowledge Management Systems

Knowledge Management Portals increase the usability of knowledge through various self-help and self-care portals. Hence, they help in creating business value. By making employees operate more efficiently they speed up deliveries and improve the quality of deliverables and customer service. They are quite effective in increasing productivity and reducing operational costs.

Are you looking for a seamless Knowledge Management solution customized for your business? We’re experts in creating customized employee experience portals for enterprises and businesses across domains. For more information, Contact us.